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New Product Releases
July 16, 2024

New use cases and a new subscription model to accelerate your connected services journey!

We've reorganized Servitly's features according to specific use cases to better support your business initiatives:

  • Compose, deliver and sell effective digital services to end customers
  • Make after-sales services connected and smarter
  • Streamline and make the supply of spare parts and consumables recurring
  • Evolve towards advanced services with confidence, thanks to data from connected products

This new approach gives you a clear map of what you can accomplish with Servitly and how to take full advantage of its potential.

In this way, you can accelerate your connected services journey and achieve concrete business benefits such as increased revenue and reduced costs.

A new way to subscribe to Servitly

As a result of this change, we have updated Servitly's subscription model. We have introduced the concept of Platform and Add-on Modules.

When subscribing to Servitly, you compose a bundle by choosing a Platform and the Add-on Modules needed to support your business initiative. 

Explore our new subscription model >>

Take a look at some examples

Do you want to offer a unique and effective Performance Advisory Digital Service?

As the person responsible for defining digital offering for an industrial oven manufacturer, you are considering offering a performance advisory digital service to help your customers save energy with usage recommendations based on real machine data.

Business Initiative: Digital Services

Use case: Digital Performance Advisory and Reporting

Subscription bundle: Base Platform + Value-Added Digital Services Module

Discover all Digital Services use cases >>

Do you want to make your after-sales services connected and smarter?

As the after-sales service manager for a boiler manufacturer, your goal is to enhance team and service partners efficiency by enabling them to monitor the health of the entire installed base and receive notifications of significant events.

Business Initiative: Connected and Smart After-sales

Use case: Installed Base Monitoring and Alerting

Subscription bundle: Base Platform + Smart After-Sales and Advanced Services Module 

Discover all Connected and Smart After-sales use cases >

Do you want to streamline and automate your spare parts supply?

As the sales strategy leader for a manufacturer of industrial ventilation systems, you want to increase revenue from spare parts sales.

To do this, you plan to enable your connected products to autonomously identify procurement needs and streamline the purchasing process, transforming your product into a machine customer.

Business initiative: Smart Spare Parts & Consumables

Use case: Machine Customers

Subscription bundle: Base Platform + Smart Spare Parts & Consumables Module

Discover all Smart Spare Parts & Consumables use cases >>

Do you want to evolve towards advanced services with confidence?

As the strategy leader for a sawing machine manufacturer, you are considering refining your offering and smart maintenance

programs by transforming your business model into a pay-per-availability model.

Business Initiative: Connected Advanced Services

Use case: Connected Equipment-as-a-Service

Subscription bundle: Base Platform + Smart After-Sales and Advanced Services Module 

Discover all Connected Advanced Services use cases >>

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