What is Servitly?  How does it work? Discover the two parts of Servitly, the DPS system and the Console
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Take a look at how Servitly really works
Evolve towards Advanced Services with confidence, thanks to data
Servitly provides all the functionality you need to leverage the data from your connected products to evolve confidently towards Advanced Services.


Connected Outcome-Based Contracts

Exploit the connection with your connected products to successfully and profitably manage all the activities you have to perform within an outcome-based contract.

Objectively and accurately calculate and quantify the outcome - or a proxy measure of it - on which your contract is based.
Generate all the reporting needed for an effective governance and give total transparency to your customers, earning their trust.
Determine reasons for deviation from expected results and implement smart action strategies to avoid future deviations.


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Connected Equipment-as-a-Service (EaaS)

Exploit the connection with your connected products to successfully and profitably manage all the activities you have to perform within an Equipment-as-a-Service (EaaS) provision.

Objectively and accurately calculate the metrics on which your as-a-service offering is based.
Compute the monthly subscription price and manage the billing and payment process.
Offer your financial partners the information they need to manage financial risk.


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