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January 28, 2025

Manage even the most special and unique interface element of your DPS

It may happen that our 115 built-in layout components are not enough to display the information exactly as you want. That is why, from today, there is a new tool available to make your DPS aligned with your specific user needs and to support the success of your Connected Services strategy: the Components Manager.

The Components Manager enable you to effectively create and manage your own layout components, designed to best represent your product and brand. Examples include product technical schemes, recipe programming and task scheduling tools, plant diagrams and custom charts.

Productivity Component General View in the Components Manager

The Components Manager also provides significant benefits to partners by enabling you to create a repository of reusable layout components across multiple projects, saving time and maximizing the value of development investment.

Different types of components

Components can be of different types.

Components Types

Filter: it is used to format a data value into widgets, improving readability. For instance, through the Date Time filter it is possible to convert milliseconds to a formatted date or to hours.

Control: this is a page button or a field that can be used to make the page interactive. It can be used to format or display data or to execute thing commands, update thing parameters or change inputs of other widgets. For instance, through the Period Field it is possible to select a period of time to filter and aggregate page data.

 Widget: it displays processed back-end data in a clear and intuitive way. Example of widgets are the Time Series or Value.

Template: it collects different widgets to centralize the visualization of a specific aspect or topic of your products and support deep analysis. For example the Connection Template component provides all the widgets used to display the product connectivity data and help to understand the causes of specific events (such as disconnection).

Access and manage your own components

The Components section of the Console provides an overview of all components - built-in and yours - available in the DPS.

Components section of the Console

From the Components page, by clicking on the Open Components Manager button you can access the Components Manager which will open as a new browser tab.

This is where you can view your own components, create new ones and manage their versioning and availability in the different environments: develop, staging and production.

The Components Manager is available within the Console.

Do you have some special and unique interface elements in mind? Request a demo to see how Servitly can help you create your custom layout component.

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